12/04/2020 / By Ramon Tomey
Trump lawyer Sidney Powell said the president’s team will put forward its claims in court “within the next two weeks.” Powell’s statement came amid from conservatives to present proof that election fraud via voting system manipulation occurred in the Nov. 3 elections.
During a Nov. 20 interview with Fox Business, the lawyer insinuated that the Trump team had “significant evidence of foreign interference” in the elections: “We have evidence now of information from the systems going to three or four different foreign countries during the time of the election. Those countries themselves could have watched the live votes come in and changed the numbers.”
According to Powell, the Trump campaign has “more evidence now than half the prison population is imprisoned on.” She added that the campaign’s evidence was “mathematically irrefutable by experts,” including three Princeton University professors. Furthermore, Powell reiterated the evidence “proves the same thing” – that individual poll watchers saw “votes come in” and “the machines manipulated.” However, she did not provide evidence or point to any figures during the interview.
Powell also took shots at Dominion Voting Systems, the firm who made the election software used during the polls, for its ties with “the worst communist countries on the Earth.” However, the company came forward and denied the Trump campaign’s claim that its software could be manipulated to overturn any election.
“Dominion is plainly a non-partisan American company with no ties to Venezuela or Cuba,” the company told news outlets Nov. 19. It added: “Vote counts are conducted by county and state election officials. Our systems support tabulation by those officials alone.” According to the company, it did not have any vote tabulation software installed in some contested areas such as Philadelphia, Milwaukee and Dane County in Wisconsin.
Dominion also clarified that it has no ties with Smartmatic, another election company established by Venezuelan engineers. The only ties Dominion had with Smartmatic was then the former purchased assets from Sequoia, previously a Smartmatic subsidiary, in 2010. In its website, Dominion emphasized that it is an “entirely separate company” from and “a fierce competitor” to Smartmatic. (Related: Dominion Voting Systems is not PCI compliant and failed 10 of 12 requirements.)
The election software firm also reiterated that Dominion employees can neither access nor operate the ballot adjudication system. Only election authorities using secure and verifiable account credentials can access the adjudication system, and election laws in all states require representatives from both parties to adjudicate ballots.
Both Dominion and Smartmatic have not responded to The Epoch Times’ requests for comment.
Powell’s statements followed calls by conservatives such as Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and others to present pertinent evidence backing up the vote fraud claims.
In a Nov. 20 opinion piece, Carlson said that Powell “never sent … any evidence, despite a lot of polite requests.” He continued: “When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her. When we checked with others around the Trump campaign, people in positions of authority, they also told us that Powell had never given them any evidence to prove anything.”
The Fox News host commented that while Powell said “electronic voting is dangerous,” she never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another.”
On the other hand, the Trump lawyer told Fox Business that Carlson was “insulting, demanding and rude,” so she told him “not to contact me again.” Powell added that she sent an affidavit to the Fox News host and offered him another witness who could “explain the math and the statistical evidence far better.” (Related: Sidney Powell says nationwide election audit needed to expose widespread vote fraud.)
The Trump campaign later cut ties with Powell Nov. 22. A statement by other Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis read: “Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump legal team … [and] also not a lawyer for the president in his personal capacity.”
Powell acknowledged the release by Ellis and Giuliani, and told CBS News in a separate statement that she “will continue to represent [Americans]” whose votes for Trump and other Republicans were stolen by massive vote fraud.
VoteFraud.news gives you the latest on the Trump campaign’s fight against widespread fraud during the pollss
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Tagged Under:
communist collusion, crime, deception, Dominion Voting Systems, Donald Trump, election fraud, election interference, election lawsuit, election software, foreign interference, Fox Business, fox news, general elections, Joe Biden, presidential elections, Sidney Powell, tabulation software, Trump campaign, Trump legal team, Tucker Carlson, vote counting software, vote fraud
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